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by - January 02, 2022

 First of all, happy new year!

new year 2022 meme

It's that time of the year and as usual, you're probably tempted to make resolutions that you're going to try to keep, and while you might succeed for the first quarter, we all know how the story ends. Since this is my first post in 2022, I'm going to be sharing in this short and sweet post some of the reasons why I believe you should stop making resolutions and what you can do instead.


There's something magical about the new year, you know that feeling of a new slate and opportunity to do something amazing in the coming year? in those moments we often get carried away and end up setting resolutions that are often unrealistic because believe it or not habits are not destroyed or built overnight.


This pressure I speak off usually doesn't rare it head until towards the end of the year when we realize we're running out of time and well haven't ticked this "resolution" whatever it might be off our box. As a ripple effect, I found that this would put me in a mood where I can't appreciate the amazing things I archived that year because they weren't some goals I noted on a pad that had to be done in one year. 


A few years ago, I was having one of those deep conversations with my uncle who happens to be a pastor, and he was telling me about the power of having a "why" in everything we do. That afternoon, he made emphasis on avoiding being in a position where I was set goals just because it was in trend. For example, Deciding to take 3 academic courses in a year, where having a solid "why" would've given me perspective and been my anchor to this goal. However, ask yourself how many times you made resolutions in a new year and really thought about this anchor.
My answer was never.

So if we're not making resolutions, what do we do then you ask?

Set attainable goals irrespective of the timing, and make room for yourself to slip. 

A practical example is if you're trying to make healthier decisions, rather than just make it a resolution on a page, here are a few things you can do instead;
  • Figure out what you enjoy with trial and error.
  • Don't be afraid to switch things up, whether in your workout routine or diet. 
  • Join communities of people for that extra motivation. 
  • Focus less on the goal and more on building a sustainable habit and loving it! 
So in conclusion, try not to wait until the new year to make positive life changes, rather chase them once the idea hits you and seize the moment *Carpe Diem*. 
Personally, I set a goal on journaling through my new journey with Jesus and this began on the 29th of December 2021, because why wait? In the words of one of my favourite brands; Just Do It! 

Did you enjoy this post? don't forget to share it for clearer skin. 

I published and launched the paperback of my collection of short copies last year; if you enjoy my posts, show me love and get a copy from MY PAYSTACK STORE (Nigeria only) or Amazon  HERE.

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  1. Nice piece. I also suggest that someone who insists on making Resolutions must include plans on how to achieve them or they will remain a pipe dream. Kudos!
